The owner of Foxqa is “CRYPTO ARBY TRADE LIMITED”, which positions its resource as a crypto exchange. It should be noted that the company that manages this site, reports the address of registration of its office in London, England, but does not confirm this information with documents. In addition, the firm does not disclose the presence of a license for financial activity, its history, the names of managers, and the date of foundation of the project. As for the domain, it was registered in 2011 and renewed in September 2023.
How reliable is this crypto exchange? We decided to study all its technical and legal aspects in detail to answer this question.
Investment Conditions
Foxqa has organized spot trading via a web platform. Users can enter the market, limit, and stop-limit orders. In addition, the company offers clients investments and staking. The owners of the site promote a proprietary wallet for storing cryptocurrency.
You can earn in Foxqa additionally on the following programs:
- P2P exchange.
- Social trading.
- Bounty token distribution.
- Referral system.
If you invest passively, placing cryptocurrency in Foxqa for 1 week will bring you a profit of 10%. However, the yield calculator, through which you can select the amount of investment, did not respond to changes in the term at the time of our inspection.
The FAQ section contains three questions: Foxqa security, minimum deposit, and limits. However, the buttons with answers are not clickable. The educational content is represented only in a block with information about cryptocurrency.
Would investing in Foxqa offer the best returns?
You are more likely to incur losses when cooperating, as according to the "Terms of Service" you only pay for the subscription. The company is not responsible for your loss of money resulting from your use of an unstable platform.
Does Foxqa carry out withdrawals?
Having studied the official website and reviews posted on third-party sites, we concluded that the owners of the platform are only waiting for deposits from their clients, not planning to return their funds to them. Write a comment about your experience.
May I be scammed on
We are not saying that the company is fraudulent, but many signs indicate a high risk. For example, the firm has no license, no clear terms of trade, no company registration certificates, and a very poor website design.
What's the best way to share my experience with Foxqa?
Fill out the form and we'll make sure your voice is heard.
How can I tell if this is a fraudulent company?
Do your own research and never believe those who promise you easy money.
On the other hand, the exchange are commission-free on internal trades. So for those who trade long only and without leverage - it's even great :) And futures traders will have to increase volumes on Foxqa and maintain them constantly. Listing is usual, the terminal is standard, and all methods of account protection are available to you. In general, all conditions are acceptable, except for commissions. I do not know how you look at it, but I did not trade here.