Swiss Pay Ltd

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Swiss Pay Ltd is a brokerage firm based in Warsaw, Poland, but they don’t seem to have any registration certificates or licenses. They claim to have been around since 2024, and they say they want to attract 20k clients this year, but there’s no mention of who the owners or managers are on their website. The domain was only created at the end of January this year and then has been changed. So, feel free to share your reviews about


Would investing in Swiss Pay Ltd offer the best returns?

You are taking a risk by entrusting your investments to this anonymous company. Your cooperation will result in damage rather than profit because of CFD trading on an unknown platform with opaque trading conditions.

Does Swiss Pay Ltd carry out withdrawals?

After reviewing this project, we can say that you are likely to face difficulties with withdrawals. The broker does not show clients the methods, terms of fees, and duration of the withdrawal procedure. If you already have experience trading here, please share it with us in your review.

May I be scammed on

Yes, it is a dangerous platform whose owners deny any responsibility for the losses of customers. In addition, the company repeatedly claims to have access to real financial markets, which is impossible without licensing from regulators for brokerage activities. Accordingly, all movements of charts and quotes can take place on the platform using a simulator program.

What's the best way to share my experience with

Fill out the form, leave a review about Swiss Pay Ltd, and we'll make sure your voice is heard.

How can I tell if this is a fraudulent company?

Do your own research and never believe those who promise you easy money.


Jurisdiction: Onshore
License: No license
Leverage: Not indicated
Broker type: DD
Demo account: Yes
Affiliate program: Not indicated
Minimum deposit: 100$
Trading platform: WebTrader
Assets: Forex, CFD

5 reviews about Swiss Pay Ltd

  1. Adam
    July 1
    Wielkie Oszustwo Swiss Pay Ltd
    UWAGA!!! To są WIELCY OSZUŚCI. Nikt nie odzyska wpłaconych im pieniędzy. Ja walczę z nimi od marca 2024 o zwrot pieniędzy i nie mogę ich odzyskać. Ciągle coś wymyślają: a to żeby od przekazanych im środków zapłacić prowizję w chorrendalnej wysokości, o czym nic nie było zapisane w umowie lokaty, a to żeby wnieść zabezpieczenie też w dużej kwocie lub przesłać im wyciąg z banku, z którego przelewałem im pieniądze, na potwierdzenie, że "nie piorę brudnych pieniędzy". Powołują się przy tym na Prawo bankowe art. 106a. i art. 165a Kodeksu karnego. Nie dajcie się zastraszyć i zapoznajcie się z tymi aktami prawnymi. W art. 106a Pb czytamy, że jeśli bank ma uzasadnione podejrzenie, że jego działalność jest wykorzystywana w celu ukrycia działań przestępczych, to bank zobowiązany jest do zawiadomienia o tym prokuratora albo Policji, a nie sprawę tę rozpatrywać firma, która dokonuje przelewu środków finansowych. Uważajcie również, aby nie otwierać na swoim komputerze linku, który przesyłają w e-mail. Bardzo chcą przejąć komputer i uzyskać hasła do naszych kont aby je opróżnić ze wszystkich środków jakie posiadamy. Życzę wszystkim dużo sił do walki z oszustwem firmy Swiss Pay Ltd.
  2. vida
    February 22
    Scam!!! You can't get your money out!!!
    The manager recommends trades that lead to a loss. However, even if I start on my own, at the peak of growth, I'll still be bankrupt. Swaps here are crazy. If I don't close the trade to zero, all my capital will be lost :( The profitability of the same trade is 20 dollars before midnight and about three dollars after. I checked this. Although, apparently, everything on the platform is decent. Communication with the office disappears at critical moments - you won't be able to fund your account or get advice!!! There's constantly slippage and freezing of the chart and many other unpleasant things. So, my Swiss Pay Ltd review is negative. Not recommended.
  3. LEO
    February 20
    Convenient savings account
    I invested $12K for 12 months, after which the contract will be completely closed. Interest is credited to me every day and the amount is reflected in the balance, and I can withdraw the interest every 30 days and I am happy with that. I hope that I will never have any problems with getting and withdrawing the interest payment. Stability and efficiency - these are the main advantages of Swiss Pay Ltd. I wish I had a large capital to invest several hundred thousand dollars and get already excellent interest every day, instead of small amounts. However, I am moving towards this goal every day 😀
  4. peter
    February 15
    Friendly team
    I liked the staff of this project. We communicate on whatsapp and some administrators are always helpful and other members also help and share their experiences. I'm satisfied with the fact that in addition to favorable investment conditions and stability in payments, the broker has a friendly working environment.
  5. bantu
    February 7
    You can make money, but you can also lose money with a high probability
    I have not invested here, but I know people who make decent money from investing in such financial structures. I can only advise you to invest only the money that you are ready to lose, only those funds that will not affect your standard of living, it should not be borrowed, loaned and last money. You must realize that with a high probability you will lose on all your investments.

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