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Traderup claims to be registered in the UK and the parent organization is located in London. The website also has information that this brand is authorized in various countries, the platform is used by more than 100 thousand traders around the world and it has numerous awards. However, this is not confirmed by documentation. Meanwhile, the company has no license and the Terms of Trading states that its activity is regulated by the legislation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. In addition, the broker says that it has set up its website with a terminal in 2023. As for the domain, it was registered in 2014 in Reykjavik, Iceland, and renewed in August 2023. In addition, the interface supports 3 languages – English, French, and German. Finally, the service is banned in the US, Japan, and some other countries

Can this company be trusted? Is the broker reliable? We will analyze its investment offers and make a conclusion about the safety of trading on this platform.

Trading Conditions

The broker positions itself as a full-featured mobile online service. More than 300 instruments are presented on the author’s Traderup platform. Clients can trade cryptocurrencies, stocks, Forex, and other assets with a single wallet. You can use the app or trade in a web browser.

You will get access to 7 types of managed accounts after registering on the site. Additional services are added to the set of the first basic level and all subsequent ones, depending on the amount of the minimum deposit:

  • Bronze, from $10,000 – introduction to the trading platform, personal manager, basic trading education programs, risk management and strategy recommendations.
  • Silver, from $25,000 – Bronze account services plus personalized trading alerts.
  • Gold, from $50,000 – guided trading sessions, risk-free trades in addition to Silver account services.
  • Premium, from $100,000 – plus eligibility for Traderup Managed Account service.
  • Platinum, from $250,000 – higher leverage.
  • VIP, from $500,000 – unlimited access to our elite trading team in our exclusive Telegram group.
  • VIP+, from $1,000,000 – the opportunity to test the Managed Account services for 30 days.

Traders can take advantage of deposit bonuses and Stop Loss order. It may take up to 3 business days to verify a withdrawal request. For every withdrawal, the client needs to go through the verification of personal documents. You will have to wait another 5 days after your request is approved before the money is transferred to your e-wallet, bank card, or bank account.

The Terms of Trading states that Traderup can block a client’s account at any time. In this case, the broker is not responsible for any losses of the trader.

You can contact the support team by asking a question through the online form in the “Contact Us” section. Customer support works 24/7 and gives you an answer to your question within 1 hour. In the Help Center section, you will find ready answers to frequently asked questions. Traderup announces its new Education Academy for registered clients through their account managers.


Would investing in Traderup offer the best returns?

We do not recommend you cooperate with this company, which is more likely to turn out to be a loss of funds for you rather than their acquisition. You have to agree to unfavorable trading conditions when registering an account, and the administration can block it at any time. In addition, the broker offers risky CFDs on an unstable platform.

Does Traderup carry out withdrawals?

We believe that it will be almost impossible for you to withdraw your funds. Judging by the reviews, cooperation with a broker regulated in an offshore zone leads to a rapid loss of capital and the impossibility of its return. Share your trading experience in the comments.

May I be scammed on

The risk of fraud is quite high. The site has been functioning for a short time, the company has no license, information about trading conditions is scarce, there is no demo account for testing an unknown platform, and the minimum deposit is high. This is how scammers usually act.

What's the best way to share my experience with Traderup?

Fill out the form and we'll make sure your voice is heard.

How can I tell if Traderup is a fraudulent company?

Do your own research and never believe those who promise you easy money.


Jurisdiction: Onshore
License: No license
Leverage: Not indicated
Broker type: DD
Demo account: No
Affiliate program: Not indicated
Minimum deposit: 300$
Trading platform: WebTrader
Assets: Forex, CFD

34 reviews about Traderup

  1. Jane
    April 10
    My father got caught up with It is a complete scam. They kept requesting more and more money and he believed he was dealing with a legitimate company. When we forced him to stop, the investment advisor working with my dad rang him in excess of 10 times in the space of two minutes. Then when my dad didn’t respond, the threatening emails started. Not only were they threatening my dad, but my mum and siblings also. They’ve also put malware on my dad’s computer, so his computer is compromised and will need to be wiped.
  2. JM
    February 26
    Believe me this is a scam beware, I can vouch from my own personal experience. Names to be aware of if contacted by TraderUp:
    Bella Torres, Lauren Oakes & John Robin (Clue is in his surname he will rob your money).

    They use pressure tactics to invest your money and promise unrealistic profits and returns. I'm guessing that they are using a rogue platform, I started to get suspicious and when I questioned them I soon realised I had been scammed. When I tried to cash in my investment, they come up with lots of excuses, they closed my account and could not be contacted by phone, What's App or email. At this point I alerted my bank and informed the Police.
  3. Irene Doucas
    January 14
    A convincing pitch and weekly conversations with Christopher Lewis, duped me of over $8000 AUD. My lack of due diligence combined with what seemed to be incredible knowledge regarding crypto enticed me into investing more of my life savings. I liked the programme because it was framed as crypto arbitrage , investing with minimal risk and nominal gain. Not wanting to be greedy …Only when I couldn’t access their website did I realise what a farce the company is. Had I been bothered to double check the credentials i would not have invested at all. Now what do I do?
  4. Philippe Delfosse
    January 7 replace by but also locked
    I’m a victim of ( many thousands euros).
  5. Philippe Delfosse
    January 4 reappears as scam web site was blocked by fsma and fédéral authorities, replaced by another scam
    Comment are made by fake owners
  6. Paul M
    January 3
    John Robin was the "Crypto Specialist" , nice guy and a great pitch. Contactable on the various emails as follows: Johnr@traderup .com / John@traderup .com / John@traderup5 .com. Address was London , Richmond Street but the postcode was for Borneo Street. Phone number was 00447354161780 but he said he was working in Switzerland. His website access changes with variations of / and # on his web address. Scammer and Scam site. Not to be trusted. The set up is designed to steal your money.
  7. Peter
    December 29
    Avoid at any cost.
    Diabolical scam, access to website blocked, agent/broker using the name's of James Ford, and James Marshall constantly hound you with phone calls from multiple different numbers. When you don't agree to invest any money, he gets rude and abusive. As for withdrawing money, forget it, it is always denied, you've lost the money, then you lose access to the website.
    Anyone posting a good review either works for the scammers, or has been paid by them to write good reviews, don't believe them, they are as fake as Traderup.
  8. David Neilan
    December 22
    I am unable to login to my account for the past few weeks.It is not very good business as i have money in same and wish to keep trading. What's going in this is not legal. Please contact me.
  9. greet
    December 19
    meesteroplichters die zich verrijken met uw geld. als u uw geld wil opnemen verbreken ze elk contact. ga naar de politie die het doorgeeft aan het parket!
  10. greet
    December 19
    scam! arnaque bedrog
    vragen steeds om meer geld. bij geldopvraging verbreken ze elk contact!
    het is pure oplichting, ze gebruiken onschuldige mensen om zichzelf te verrijken.
    opgelet Eric Delmotte is meesteroplichter!
  11. john scott
    December 14
    Private investor has disappeared off the internet as of Saturday 9th Dec their web site is a “cannot be found” category. None of the contacts I had are now contactable. Scam
  12. Alan Robertson
    December 11
    Left not knowing what is going on
    Started up an account and quickly got sucked in for money. Then the agent says I'll be receiving a payment, this is after 6 weeks and before the payment can be made even asked me to get credit from my bank for more money. Really left not knowing what's going on
    December 7 no way to return back your bitcoins BTC
    be aware, this site is really a good scram, fake web site with very clever traders who made nothing more than keep or (request it) to pick up your money (Sorry i'm frenck , from belgium , certainly not perfect translated.. )
    You may tested, try it, try to keep back your benefits but after a while, NN no way to return your full benefits .. request always to pay something WITH APPENRENTLY GOOD REASON. try to search "FSMA"
  14. Peter Rivers
    December 7
    I am a 65 year old man and was hoping to make some money to assist my family and help with our financial situation.

    I heard about Traderup in a advert.

    So I decided to try it.

    I was told I could close the account at any time and withdraw my money at anytime.
    I therefore paid the minimum amount.

    After a month, I was asked to provide more money to my account which was out of the question.

    I then spoke to Traderup when they phoned me next time and asked them to close my account.

    They refused to comply with this request.

    What happened after this was shocked , Instead of assisting me, they constantly call me, making claims of legal action and other threats against me.

    Please, if your thinking of investing with Traderup.. DONT, They are criminal's
    You will regret it.
    They are SCAMMERS.
  15. Logdog
    November 25
    Pas de communication sur le chat du site.
    Le site traderup dispose d'un chat j'ai envoyé plusieurs messages pour récupérer mon investissement de 250 et garder mes gain pour continuer à trader voilà maintenant 2 semaine que j'attends mon retrait.
    On a malgré tout essayé de m'appeler en me disant qu'il faut que j'investis plus d'argent, j'ai refuser on m'a ensuite rappeler en me disant qu'il faut envoyer des documents ( ce que j'ai fait) et la j'attends toujours une réponse sur le chat, a la place on m'appelle mais je n'ai pas souvent l'occasion de répondre.
    Arnaque ou pas j'attends toujours qu'on me rembourse.
  16. Qasim Ali
    November 25
    Totally fraud and bloody scammers
    Totally fraud and bloody scammers, keep calling you to ask for money and promise to return extra profit but never return, also ask for documents passport,ID to submit but please don't fall off these bloody scammers, God is watching and i curse them they have miserable time in life and hereafter life in hell
  17. Qasim Ali
    November 25
    Totally fraud and bloody scammers
    Totally fraud and bloody scammers
  18. Heather Antonia Wass
    November 15
    This company took my US$250, and when I wanted to withdraw, no response.
  19. Thomas
    November 10
    I joined with the minimum amount and after a day they were pressuring me into bringing up my investment which I did not do but my original investment did well but they rang me and gave me a choice of closing my account or bringing it up to 25000 which I could not do or would not dream of doing so I closed my account and then they would not release the money until I paid 10% commission I paid them and still can’t get my money they are looking for a further 14% transfer so I’m not getting my money
  20. Marco
    November 8
    Don’t sign up
    They keep calling me so bloody annoying they don’t give up even I refuse to deposit cash into their platform … how can I remove my Details really wanna cry
  21. Vanzeveren
    October 30
    Après de multiples tentatives
    Impossible de récupérer mon investissement sans engager de nouveaux montants.
    Belle arnaque
  22. anarhy1968
    September 11
    Crypto investing turned out to be fake
    Here any of your attempts to withdraw money are simply futile, they are doomed to failure in advance. Just decided to get in touch with investing on the exchange and immediately got here, advertising led me straight to the scammers, and this is making me very hard now. I wanted to honestly invest money and really profit from it. However the owners of the company were dishonest, instead of earnings and good training, I received a loss of 14 thousand euros. After I applied for withdrawal, I started to have major problems, which were very unpredictable. I did not expect that I would not be paid anything, so plausible trading was going on the exchange, that I did not realize at once that I was dealing with fraudsters. Nevertheless, the truth about traderup has been revealed, and I want to bring it to you so that you do not fall for scammers.
  23. CoffeePot
    September 8
    Mid-level platform
    I won't say anything enthusiastic about the uniqueness of the technology - many brokers have similar mobile applications for trading. And on top of that, the commissions here are not very low - that's a fact. I still invested some money here and withdrew only 2 times 100 dollars.
  24. Goodie
    September 7
    Thieves and scammers!!!
    I can only say that this is a bad company. They stole a lot of money from me in a month, more than $12,000 :( Exactly stolen, and no other way! Just take my word for it!!!
  25. Sage77
    September 5
    This is a fake broker
    When the manager asked me to connect to the program by remote access, then during the session he tried to steal my bank data, I realized that this is a fake organization. Good thing I didn't transfer money to traderup, I quickly managed to block my bank cards and changed them to new ones.
  26. ssmaster
    September 5
    The broker has disappointed me more than pleased me with profits
    Every support agent just answers with template phrases. I sorted out everything myself and lost a lot of time on it. Although the deposit was withdrawn without much delay.
  27. titan473
    September 5
    I do not advise you to get in touch with the broker
    This company can just draw quotes. This is not a real forex broker, there is no way to make profit on trading here. The platform is not good at all, it slows down, trades can hang on opening for 5-10 minutes. In general, Traderup is a questionable company. I lost my entire deposit of 300 dollars in 3 days. I don't know if it is regulated. But the problems here are definitely not compatible with profitable trading.
  28. Eldar
    September 4
    This place is run by scammers
    From the very beginning, as soon as I opened a minimum account, and then just started to earn a lot, I had doubts about it. After all, before that I traded on other platforms, and it was not so easy to earn something. My manager suggested that I increase my deposit to $10,000 because I was convinced that the profit was good. But I decided that I needed to understand everything first, for example, the spread here is too high and with a large amount of money I can quickly go into a minus. It turned out that not only these problems, but I also found out that the broker's documents are fake, there are no licenses and besides, they did not let me withdraw my deposit. There are huge problems with payouts, as soon as the broker realized that I was leaving Traderup, so it immediately blocked my account...
  29. Frank
    September 3
    It is very difficult to pass the verification
    At first I really felt like I was being trained and helped to trade on the stock exchange correctly. First of all, I did not like the fact that when I wanted to withdraw the balance from the account, it seemed to me in the end a pointless venture, I had to 12 times confirm my home address! And still I haven't received the money on my bank card yet. I am unlikely to trade here again
  30. ronhendarto
    September 2
    There is no point in opening a trading account with a scammer
    Traderup broker is a category of dishonest companies, which can do only one thing - to steal people, but the broker is not capable of more. All these scammers only do that open fake projects for the sake of making money. It is good that I checked the information on the site in time and did not fall for this deception. It turned out that the site is fake and it was recently opened, of course, there are no real documents, and the address they wrote is a fraud. So for us to open a trading account in such a place is pointless.
  31. hyipmoon
    September 1
    The exchange is just terrible!!!
    In terms of the withdrawal of money, everything is bad! I have $19,000 hanging. My application is considered very long!!! Support says: "wait a few business days" And do not explain anything !!! Already 3 weeks have passed, and these robots write the same thing! They were provided with everything, all my documents! It's been almost a month!
  32. Nariman
    August 31
    An interesting option for pocket investors
    If you are not ready to understand financial instruments on your own or do not have enough knowledge about trading, experience in the forex markets, then on this site you will be guided by a personal manager :) Cooperation with the broker will teach you that verification can be done quickly, and the trading platform with hundreds of tabs and tools will gradually become simple and understandable. Trader Up is the easiest option for CFDs, buying and selling any stocks and other assets. I install the app on my smartphone, look at the chart anywhere, click to buy, and the payment is instant. Similarly, I sell an asset in one click. Quotes can be viewed online, everything is easy and clear even for an inexperienced person. The web version is sometimes unstable, while the app is fast.
  33. Gala
    August 31
    Great service!
    I'm not a fanatical trader, I'm not interested in spending hours studying charts, and understanding the intricacies of wallets and commissions of cryptocurrency exchanges. When I read the news and I see that a certain asset is starting to rise in the cryptocurrency market, I simply open a trade in Traderup in a few clicks. Cryptocurrency exchanges have commission fees 2 times higher than this broker. On a deal of 3,000 USD, I earn a profit of 2-10%, I conduct purchase and sale operations in the crypt 2-3 times a week. The amount only at first glance seems small. If you calculate the profit for the month, it turns out to be profitable - on average about 600 dollars!!!
  34. konsti
    August 29
    You should avoid such fake companies
    Do not bring money to such brokers as traderup, because they quickly pull out of you thousands of dollars by deception, for their own enrichment. There are no benefits from cooperating with them, I am telling you about my experience.

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